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Twitter stats tools: How far can your Twitter bird chirp?

They say “word travels fast”, but today, it can travel the world in a few clicks. Twitter stats tools can help you find out where your Twitter has flown to? I recently re-activated my twitter account.

Twitter stats tools: How far can your Twitter bird chirp?

Twitter stats tools
Twitter stats tools: How far can your Twitter bird chirp?

I’ve been sharing and retweeting quite a lot of content with people from all around the world. Indeed, people from different origins follow my account now. Thus, making me curious to know where my followers come from.

When I asked myself this question the other day, I decided to try different tools available online. These tools are as practical as scary. I decided to try and compare some of them. Let’s discover what different features they offer.


Mapmysocial is a tool that allows a social media user to map their Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Foursquare followers. It gathers followers’ profile pictures and positions them on the world map. This map can be then shared on social media in 2D or 3D. The use of this application is totally free. There is no obligation to follow mapmysocial on any platform, or publish a promotional post. All you have to do is sign in on the platform, through the mapmysocial website. This authorizes the website to access some of your account’s information.

Twitter map my social


Personally, I found this second tool to be great. It allows Twitter users to map their followers – even to a city level-, to observe their followers’ trending topics, and explore keywords (hashtags). This is useful to analyze further the engagement and effectiveness of digital activity on Twitter. It also helps Twitter users to understand the group of people they are reaching and address their interests. It measures the impact of a Tweet, showing different elements such as unique reach, maximum reach and engagement.

Twitter map

There are two options to using this tool: paid plans or the free option (simply by tweeting stats or something about Tweepsmap). If one chooses the paid plans, five different options are available. It starts at $4.99 per month for the starter plan and goes up to $99.99 per month for the “celebrity” plan. For businesses, the plan is customizable, regarding their needs.


This app allows you to find out the portions of your followers in different countries. You have the choice to either ‘calculate and tweet’ or ‘calculate without tweeting’. Unlike other tools, you do not have to tweet about how great this tool is. However, users should authorize Twocation to use some features of their Twitter account, just like most of the others. After locating your followers, it presents the results on a world map (see picture below).

By simply placing your pointer on the map, you can see the percentage of followers you have in a particular country.  Twocation lists all the countries in the world below the map and the portion of followers in each. Despite the usefulness of the information, it is quite unpractical to scroll down an infinite list of countries, for comparison and analysis purposes. There are other tools, such as Tweepsmap, that present those same results in a pie chart, making it more visible for users.

Twitter analytics:

Last but not least, there is Twitter analytics. This tool is completely free, does not require any authorization or sign in.

Twitter users can access a dashboard, were different elements of analysis are displayed, such as tweets, profile visits, mentions, to name a few. This analysis tool classifies followers depending on their proportion in certain locations. Like Tweepsmap, it only displays the countries where your followers are.
After trying out these 4 tools and calculating the number of followers I have in different countries, I possess additional information in order to expand my reach. I can also engage with my existing followers in a more effective way. From a motivational approach, one can perceive this as a challenge: making your Twitter bird chirp the furthest. I believe these tools are practical for both B2B and B2C. The results of the analysis can be very useful, depending on one’s strategy.  


Mia Tawile
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Mia Tawile

Mia is a Digital Marketing Consultant. She worked for Visionary Marketing from 2015 to 2018.

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