digital marketing

Facebook’s new strategic move: 'Reactions' emojis

While Twitter struggles for its life, Facebook makes a big, smart, and strategic move, and strikes once again! The social media giant recently launched the new Reactions buttons that everyone has been babbling about these past few days. Facebook users can now choose one of six different reactions to a post they see: “Like”, “Love”, “Haha”, “Wow”, “Sad”, “Angry”. Everyone knows that Facebook did not develop and launch these buttons simply to entertain its users. So, a lot have asked themselves the following question: What is the aim or the strategic idea behind this new move? In this article, we will discuss the deeper reason behind these friendly smiley faces.

Behind the scenes

With every click users make on Facebook, massive amount of data is collected. But, since the company was already doing this, why did they need to launch this new button? So, with every new emoji click, Facebook will be gathering even more insights and nuanced data.
Well, what we can tell is that there are two main reasons for this. Facebook data scientists analyse the collected data and study human behaviour. Indeed, in 2014, Facebook made an experiment on around 690 thousand users, to study the impact of their News Feed on their mood. In addition to this, all the users’ actions on the social network serve them as information to build and adapt their strategy.

These two reasons have one single objective: Make users happy. Not just because Facebook is a nice and philanthropic company, but behind this, there is obviously a strategy: The more users are happy while using Facebook, the more time they will spend surfing on the social network.
And, logically, the more time they spend browsing at their Friend’s stories, pictures, or looking at some pages they find interesting, the more ads they will see on the left side of their screens. And, of course, the ultimate objective: Facebook is stacking up dollar bills.


What’s in it for brands?
Brands also get their share of advantage with this new invention. But, how is this different from the ‘traditional’ Like button for brands?
The new group of smiley faces represent a new way for customers to show their emotions in regards to a brand’s post. It makes it easier for companies to study their audience’s reactions and feelings towards a content or a sponsored message. Data and insight collection is not the only benefit for companies. Consumer behaviour plays an important role in marketing. Placing a post between two posts that make a user happy is obviously more efficient than posting it between two posts that make him sad or angry. Users mood affect to a large extent whether the ad will have an impact on them or not.
Next time you click on one of these reactions buttons, you will be contributing to Facebook’s research regarding your likes and dislikes. And you will also understand the reason(s) behind the posts’ order you get on your News Feed.  

Yann Gourvennec

Yann Gourvennec created in 1996. He is a speaker and author of 6 books. In 2014 he went from intrapreneur to entrepreneur, when he created his digital marketing agency. Yann Gourvennec a créé en 1996. Il est conférencier et auteur de 6 livres. En 2014, il est passé d'intrapreneur à entrepreneur en créant son agence de marketing numérique. More »

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