Year: 2017
Experience Economy: Great Experiences Begin with Great Service -Joe Pine
CRM and CX
Experience Economy: Great Experiences Begin with Great Service -Joe Pine
Joe Pine is an expert in the world of marketing and customer experience. As one of the men who coined the term “experience economy”, he stresses the importance of creating memorable events for customers. In-Store Customer Experiences These events are meant to elevate the experience and increase the probability of…
Skiing Connected: Digital is a Must On and Off the Slopes at Ski Resorts
Marketing & Innovation
Skiing Connected: Digital is a Must On and Off the Slopes at Ski Resorts
The snow is here. The mountains put on their beautiful white coats. It’s time for the ski season. Before, the ski vacation checklist was limited mainly to the equipment: skis, jackets, gloves, boots. Today everything is different. The list also includes: tablets, laptops, and primarily smartphones: It is out of the…
What are the top 5 Mobile Gaming apps
digital marketing
What are the top 5 Mobile Gaming apps
Gaming has always been an enormous industry, and with modern mobile gaming, there is no exception to that. Gaming has been a way of life for many, for decades. With the rise of mobile technology, it has only served to make gaming more accessible and possible anytime, anywhere. That’s why…
Social Selling: Social Media is a Value-Adding Platform for Salespeople
Vente et marketing
Social Selling: Social Media is a Value-Adding Platform for Salespeople
Even though he shies away from saying he coined the term social selling, i.e. the use of social media as a value-adding platform for salespeople, Koka Sexton was indeed one of the pioneers of that discipline. Social selling is about leveraging your social network to find the right prospects, build trusted relationships,…
Fashion Photography: When Computers Turns Mannequins into Models
AI and Big Data
Fashion Photography: When Computers Turns Mannequins into Models
The world of fashion photography for e-commerce is facing a problem: consumers. They are looking for more visuals (about ten in the Chinese market, and around five in Europe) to reassure themselves about the products they are about to purchase. The problem is that these visuals are expensive. People and…
Permission Marketing: Give Consumers What They Really Want
digital marketing
Permission Marketing: Give Consumers What They Really Want
What is Permission Marketing? Nowadays, consumers come into contact with at least 10,000 different forms of advertisement on a daily basis. Marketers face the challenge of breaking through this information overload. An effective way to do so is by creating strong customer relations through permission marketing. Permission marketing is a…
Click and Mortar: Is this the Future of Retail Marketing?
digital Transformation
Click and Mortar: Is this the Future of Retail Marketing?
Have you ever shopped online and wished that you could physically see or feel an item? Have you ever shopped at a store and wished that the associate could understand precisely what you wanted? Companies are now moving in a direction in which both of these needs, and more, could…
Duplicate content, plagiarism, WOMM and automated blogging
digital marketing
Duplicate content, plagiarism, WOMM and automated blogging
Duplicate content is a recurring theme in content marketing. A few days ago I stumbled upon the following blog piece (down there at the bottom). Although it was written in 2015, most of its contents is still relevant today. Whoever is a Web author and enjoys some sort of visibility…
Digital Marketing for B2B: What’s in it for businesses?
b2b marketing & sales
Digital Marketing for B2B: What’s in it for businesses?
Digital Marketing isn’t just for consumer marketing, B2B can greatly benefit from it. That is to say, provided you understand how it works beforehand. A friend of mine is working in the marketing department of a medium-sized B2B industrial company. It has just over 300 employees and operates on a large…
Influencer Marketing in B2B (as in Back To Basics) With @markwschaefer
digital marketing
Influencer Marketing in B2B (as in Back To Basics) With @markwschaefer
Influencer marketing is getting big. Here and there, a lot of noise is made about instagram influencers and suchlike. With sponsored posts reaching a €2,000 pricetag in France and up to £75,000 in the UK, “influence” is becoming big business indeed. Even though some marketeers are still wondering whether what…
Digital Training: My Advice to Executives In the Middle of a Career Move
digital Transformation
Digital Training: My Advice to Executives In the Middle of a Career Move
Digital training? But what the hell is digital in the first place? Digital training in the information age seems pretty straightforward. And yet. The very definition of the digital domain is mind-boggling and fuzzy. Where does it start, where does it end? Also, choosing a digital training programme, like any…
Let’s build content brands not branded content
Marketing & Innovation
Let’s build content brands not branded content
Let’s stop building branded content, let’s start building content brands! he said. with Andrew Davis at iMedia Brand Summity in Biarritz