Year: 2016
Blockchain: a disruptive technology for the financial industry
digital marketing
Blockchain: a disruptive technology for the financial industry
Web technologies started shining a few years ago. Now, they are being used in a lot of fields. This article focuses on the financial industry. It clearly describes how it started implementing web technologies. Probably a lot of you have heard about Bitcoins. Some do not really understand how it works, but they…
Your digitally transformed holidays
digital marketing
Your digitally transformed holidays
We have discussed, explained and written over and over again how digital impacts all sectors, one after the other. Well, it is just because this popular phenomenon called is digital transformation keeps on surprising us. This article will touch on one sector that will make your mind go on a short holiday:…
TOR is ready to strike a blow – Digital-me-up
digital marketing
TOR is ready to strike a blow – Digital-me-up
Last week, I published an article on how Facebook studies user behaviours using data they gather while tracking our every move on the social network. All the technological tools that are used today to monitor online activities have raised a lot of concern. I can even go to the extent of saying it drew new boundaries…
Can disruption be defined in a few hundred words
Marketing & Innovation
Can disruption be defined in a few hundred words
Can disruption be defined in a few hundred words? Whether in Silicon Valley, or basically anywhere else in the world, people talk about ‘disruptive innovation’ or simply ‘disruption’. Do they really know what it means? Or they are just trying to follow that new trend, and fit in the ‘innovation world’?…
Can Chinese platform WeChat succeed in its global expansion?
social media & social networks
Can Chinese platform WeChat succeed in its global expansion?
Wechat is very successful in China but can it succeed in its global expansion outside its home country? WeChat, also called “Wei Xin” in Chinese, is the most popular social network application in China, and its monthly active users hit 650 million in 3Q-2015. Today, it has even become a kind…
Facebook’s new strategic move: 'Reactions' emojis
digital marketing
Facebook’s new strategic move: 'Reactions' emojis
While Twitter struggles for its life, Facebook makes a big, smart, and strategic move, and strikes once again! The social media giant recently launched the new Reactions buttons that everyone has been babbling about these past few days. Facebook users can now choose one of six different reactions to a…
About inbound marketing, translations and adaptations
digital marketing
About inbound marketing, translations and adaptations
Inbound marketing isn’t as easy as it may seem. We are currently working on a content marketing deal which involves writing content about “web to store” technology. Our text is written in English and has to be translated into Spanish and French. “Web to store” is what the French are calling it and the…
The secret behind a good social media marketing strategy
digital marketing
The secret behind a good social media marketing strategy
A lot believe that having social media accounts and publishing promotional content will automatically drive their sales up, and make their business successful. Well, that’s not quite it. Today, social media is indeed a great tool to use for marketing. Businesses must be present on the different platforms, such as…
Online sales, fashion retail and digital: The Burberry case
digital Transformation
Online sales, fashion retail and digital: The Burberry case
What can we learn from Burberry in Fashion online sales ? I recently came across a study done by ContactLab which reveals some amazing facts about Fashion Retail merging with Digital. According to their study “Digitally driven in-store sales already account for 1/4 of retail revenues already. The study anticipates that by…
Twitter: last breath or revival ?
digital marketing
Twitter: last breath or revival ?
Everyone on the Internet has been talking about Twitter’s premature death. A few months ago, I wrote an article on the global reach of Twitter ‘How far can your Twitter bird chirp?’ and today, about it’s decline. How did this happen? First, there was the elimination of the Twitter share…
Why social media will never be like mass media
social media & social networks
Why social media will never be like mass media
A lot of people confuse social media for mass media. This piece aims at explaining how the two are clearly different, in terms of content, uniqueness, and audience, among other aspects. Why social media will never be like mass media “Social mass media” is an oxymoron I first coined the “social mass media” phrase in a Hootsuite…
Mobile commerce is the new shopping experience
Marketing & Innovation
Mobile commerce is the new shopping experience
Mobile commerce is the new shopping experience. During the sales season, we have all been receiving promotions and offers on our mobile phones. This morning, I didn’t have time to check out some interesting items from my computer, so I did that from my phone. And I ended up buying…